Entries tagged [general]
Happy Easter
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Sunday March 31, 2024 at 12:00AM in General
And they went into the tomb, and saw there, on the right, a young man seated, wearing a white robe; and they were dismayed. But he said to them, No need to be dismayed; you have come to look for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified; he has risen again, he is not here. Here is the place where they laid him. (St. Mark 16: 5-6; Knox Version).
Resurrection of Christ, Fra Angelico (Public domain)
Tags: general
Happy Easter
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Sunday April 09, 2023 at 12:00AM in General
And suddenly there was a great trembling of the earth, because an angel of the Lord came to the place, descending from heaven, and rolled away the stone and sat over it; his face shone like lightning, and his garments were white as snow; so that the guards trembled for fear of him, and were like dead men. (Saint Luke 28:2-4 Knox Version).
Tags: general
Happy Easter
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Sunday April 17, 2022 at 12:00AM in General
And then, when he sat down at table with them, he took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and offered it to them; whereupon their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. (St. Luke 24:30; Knox Version).
Image (public domain): Supper at Emmaus by Matthias Stom
Tags: general
Notes client pegs one logical processor at 15%
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Friday June 18, 2021 at 03:38PM in Technology
Having recently installed a Notes/Designer/Admin 12 client on Windows 8.1 Pro on an aging Intel i7 Quad-Core (with eight logical processors), I was surprised to see that after startup, Notes was consistently grabbing one logical processor and pegging it at around 15%. Windows Task Manager showed that nlnotes.exe was the process and it wouldn't let go of that processor until Notes was closed:
Notes, Designer and Admin clients all worked fine and interaction with local- and server-based applications was normal. Without giving it too much thought, I tried a few things like removing cache.ndk, stopping a couple Notes-related services and making sure the preference "Enable scheduled local agents" was disabled.
But none of that worked and strangely, Disk and Network utilization were both at 0%:
The client was set up in the normal way by connecting to a Domino server with an existing mail file on the server. However, this workstation needed to use a Location that sends and receives mail from a POP3 server instead of Domino. For that purpose I used an existing names.nsf that already had Account and Locations documents in place. All of that connectivity worked and the mail flowed normally.
The next step was internet search but nothing obvious jumped out and most references to similar problems ended with Notes client crashes which I was not experiencing.
The Location document for this POP3 configuration kicks off replication and runs it every 10 minutes. I noticed that after starting the client, there was a gap of a few seconds where the nlnotes.exe process was at 0% and didn't go up to 15% until replication started (and then stayed there). Thinking the culprit was the Replicator, I disabled replication and restarted Notes... but nlnotes.exe was back to 15%!
But this time I could clearly see that process spiked when "Notes configuration settings have been refreshed" scrolled across the Status bar:
Based on that message and the fact that a POP3 configuration like this is not commonly used, I kept pursuing the Location document as the source of the problem. And the problem was indeed there.
When you configure the Notes client for POP3 mail retrieval, only the "Mail" tab of the Location document needs to be filled out:
The "Servers" tab can remain empty -- and that was the problem! At a minimum, the "Home/mail server" field MUST have some value in it to calm down the processor:
It doesn't matter if the server is down or the value entered isn't even a Domino server -- nlnotes.exe will report that the server is not responding but it leaves the processor alone after that:
Ok, problem solved, back to work.
Congratulations Ray Ozzie - 2021 Computer History Museum Fellow Award
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Saturday March 20, 2021 at 11:16PM in Technology
Ray Ozzie is among the 2021 Computer History Awards honorees recognized "For a lifetime of work in collaborative software and software entrepreneurship".
A virtual event took place to honor Ray on March 18, 2021 and will be generally available in the coming days. Thank you, Mr. Ozzie for your contribution to computer history!
Tags: domino general notes technology
New product for Domino keyrings: Aperture
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Monday July 20, 2020 at 11:23AM in Technology
Since many development and administrative tasks in Notes/Domino can conveniently be carried out with great front-end tools like Domino Designer or Administrator, it can sometimes be inconvenient when we're required to use the command line or terminal to get things done. Working with Domino keyrings is a case in point and one of the reasons why I developed Aperture.
Aperture is a lightweight desktop application that allows you to work with those .kyr files without having to resort to the command line. It works with both the KYRTool and OpenSSL to allow you to visually create keyrings, view their contents, create Certificate Signing Requests and several other tasks you'd normally being doing on the command line.
Please visit the Aperture product page for more details: https://www.rhpconsult.com/aperture.html.
As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated!
Tags: certificates domino general innovation notes software ssl tls
HCL Forecast: Mostly cloudy (not surprisingly)
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Thursday July 18, 2019 at 03:27PM in Technology
Be they public, private or the newly-minted "Partner-led" clouds, one
message HCL is making clear is that the future for the newly-acquired
IBM collaboration product portfolio will be all about the cloud.
Richard Jefts (General Manager, HCL Digital Solutions) has just
published here on the new approach: Update on HCL Acquisition of IBM Collaboration Portfolio (Edit March 2021: Update on HCL Acquisition of IBM Collaboration Portfolio).
It appears that the biggest impact will be on current SmartCloud Notes users who will now need to transition away from that offering to one of the new HCL cloud models. In practice, that will probably entail some form of migration back to a traditional, on-premises Domino/Portal solution (or Domino/Portal-hosted partner solution). Those who currently run on-premises applications and solutions, including Verse, will (likely) not be immediately affected.
It's good to hear mail will continue to be a core area for Domino; however, the "for the foreseeable future" is an interesting qualification that suggests it may not be for long. The tight integration of email within collaborative Notes/Domino applications won't go away but will loosen up as different messaging providers take over the role of Notes mail clients. HCL's announcement here is not surprising (or at least not shocking) and I think it strikes the right balance between managing what works well today on-premises and where much new development will be going forward: cloud.
Tags: domino general hcl solutions technology
LEND 2.0 is now out and includes domain wildcard support
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Friday December 28, 2018 at 07:29PM in Technology
[Edit February 2020: the LEND product has been renamed to CertMatica]
Version 2.0 of LEND is now available and comes with domain wildcard certificate support via DNS challenge.
Wildcard certificates are convenient particularly in situations where a single Domino server hosts multiple virtual sites, each of which needs SSL/TLS protection. Managing separate certificates for each Domino SSL site in this situation is feasible but not very practical since each one requires its own IP address. A wildcard certificate takes care of that issue and fortunately, Let's Encrypt began offering wildcard certificates earlier this year. However, as of this blog posting, they're only supported with the DNS-01 challenge type.
The DNS challenge feature was interesting to implement because Let's Encrypt DNS challenges do not offer the same level of automation as HTTP challenges. With the DNS challenge, Let's Encrypt servers will query your hosting provider during the challenge/response phase instead of your HTTP server (which is queried when using the HTTP challenge). Since there's no industry-standard way to modify DNS records, the challenge must be entered manually at renewal time, typically using your hosting provider's custom web interface. Fortunately, LEND now has built-in workflow to remind administrators when to do so at renewal time!
Take LEND for a test ride and let me know what you think.