RHP Consulting, Inc. - Software Development and Consulting Services

Cloud Email Hosting Solutions

Secure, private email solutions

RHP Consulting offers enterprise-class HCL Domino™ or Apache JAMES™ mail hosting solutions on secure servers for maximum privacy, confidentiality and reliability. No data harvesting or mining!
Some services may be purchased directly on this site. For inquiries or additional information, please submit the form below.
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HCL Domino Enterprise Server hosting †
● Complete single-server provisioning and setup
● Web and mobile email access
● POP3, IMAP email access
● Calendaring and scheduling for web and mobile
● Private SPAM detection and quarantine
● Automatic TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt
Please contact us for pricing

Backup for HCL Domino
Please contact us for pricing

Private Email Server Hosting (Apache JAMES) ††
● Complete single-server provisioning and setup
● POP3, IMAP email access
● Private SPAM detection and quarantine
● Automatic TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt
$49 setup; $29/monthly
Click to register and purchase
† Per domain. Server hosted at our partner Cloudscale 365. Contact us for other options including hosting on-premises or with other cloud providers. Please allow up to one business day to provision your server.
†† Per domain, up to 20 users. Annual domain name renewal billed separately. Server hosted at our partner Cloudscale 365. Prices are for up 20GB storage, 4TB data transfer (2 in, 2 out); contact us for other options including hosting on-premises or with other cloud providers. Please allow up to one business day to provision your server.

Cloud email hosting inquiry/request
* Name: Phone:
* Email: * Domain(s) requested:
Additional inquiries or special requests:

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